Our Vision for Physical Education

“Our vision is to ensure that the children pursue a healthy lifestyle and develop a positive attitude towards physical activity … Our focus is on individual improvement, physical growth, motor development and the personal and social development of the children.” (Physical Education policy, St Pat’s BNS, Drumcondra)

We endorse the aims of the Primary School Curriculum for Physical Education:

  • To promote the physical, social, emotional and intellectual development of the child
  • To develop positive personal qualities
  • To help in the acquisition of an appropriate range of movement 
  • To promote understanding and knowledge of the various aspects of movement
  • To develop an appreciation of movement and the use of the body as an instrument of expression and creativity
  • To promote enjoyment of, and positive attitudes towards, physical activity and its contribution to life-long health-related fitness.

We have also formulated two additional aims in the context of our school: 

  • To foster in the lives of the children the strong tradition of sport and participation which exists in the community
  • To facilitate the children developing a sporting attitude towards competition, and to accept defeat graciously while also trying to win

Curriculum planning

PE Strands: while the five strands of athletics, games, dance, gymnastics and outdoor & adventure activities are taught on site, we use local amenities to further enhance our programmes. We go off site (to Westwood, Clontarf) for aquatics lessons for third and sixth class, while all other classes engage with the PAWS water safety materials.

The school PE plan was reviewed and updated in November 2022.